Perfection; My Passion

Perfection; My Passion

Sunday, February 27, 2011

post 2 on blogs

I feel that some things should be discussed on blogs, while others should not. There are informational blogs and non informational blogs. I only use my blog to post about school related issues. I do like this particular blogging website because you can customize your blog in whatever way you choose to. Maybe in the future I will start blogging for personal reasons.

post 1 on blogs

With the exception of this blog, I do not blog at all.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

post 2 on slide shows

when i am creating a slide show, i believe the best program to use is Microsoft Power point. I am very good with the in's and out's of that program, so i may be bias. I really like that you can make each slide show your own with different color pages, fonts, etc. you can also have your pages turn automatically on a timer or with special noises. slide shows created in power point are very professional, and very interesting to look at.

post 1 on slide shows

this week for class, we are talking about slide shows. i enjoy slide shows and believe that they should be used as much as possible. they make papers, proposals, anything you are trying to do much more interesting. If i could use slide shows for each class that i am in, i absolutely would.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

post 2 about im/chats

today chats are a very popular tool that everyone uses. the chat that i use all of the time is facebook chat. it is very convenient and easy to use. your buddy list is always at the bottom of the screen and you just search the list of people until you find who you are looking for. Yahoo has chats as well. i have never looked at it before this class but i would like to explore the options and groups they have more.

post 1 about im/chats

I remember when i used to use aol instant messenger religiously. i would talk to all of my friends during the day at school and then run home after school let out just to talk to them again over the computer. i always had font that you could barely read because the colors were so bright. i also used to talk in a "slang." i would shorten words, and make things up as i went along all because back then i thought i was cool, but hey everyone was doing it i guess. as we got older, aol instant messenger was able to be downloaded on your phone and you could chat with friends at any time of the day. this was especially convenient for me because i had a pre paid cell phone at the time and text messages were just not an option. its weird to think that i was so dependent on talking to all of my friends through instant messenger. i have not been on my aim in i couldnt tell you how long. the only time i go on it is if my mac accidentally loads iChat. I do not think any of my friends use their screen names either. but i do remember my first screen name was dancindevil52189 ahah how lame!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

post 2 on Listservs/YahooGroups/Usenet

i did not know that yahoo had groups. I have used yahoo in the past to keep in touch with friends and family that live far away from me, but that is all. After i looked at all of the groups, there are so many! there is a group out there for anyone that would like to join! it took me a while to find them all, but that may have been because i was so distracted by everything else you can participate in on the Yahoo! website!

post 1 on Listservs/Yahoo Groups/Usenet

for class this week we had to read and discuss about Listservs/Yahoo Groups/Usenet. Before this class, I did not know what a usenet was. for anyone else that doesnt know, a usenet is a threaded discussion system that today connects millions of users from around the Internet into newsgroups such as The original system was built in the late 1970s and ran on one of the wide-area computer networks later subsumed into the Internet. after looking up what it was and finding more information, my mind automatically thought of the thread on a facebook message. My classmates, friends, and I always use threads on Facebook. whether it is to keep in touch, or set up an appointment to meet each other for a project, the idea of usenet is still being used today. I do wonder if usenet and listervs are very much similar. The emails from my class come into the mailbox on my iPhone in a thread fashion. They break up into topics so it is easier to read.