Perfection; My Passion

Perfection; My Passion

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

post on web 4

this is my final post of my UNDERGRADUATE CAREER!!! I am beyond excited to finally be done with college and have a bachelor degree!!! Salem State University is starting to put everything on the web. You register for classes, take classes, and communicate with teachers through the web. Salem state is one of the many colleges/universities to begin to "go green" and solely provide on the web to run their institution. I believe it is beneficial with the exception of reading in the web. It is very hard for me to read off of a computer for a very long time!! Online classes are also very hard for me to complete most of the time. The whole world wide web is fascinating to me!!

post on web 3

I always wondered why the internet is called the "World Wide Web." when i looked into it more, i came across this information. "The World Wide Web, abbreviated as WWW or W3 and commonly known as the Web, is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks. Using concepts from earlier hypertext systems, English engineer and computer scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee, now the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, wrote a proposal in March 1989 for what would eventually become the World Wide Web.[1] At CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, Berners-Lee and Belgian computer scientist Robert Cailliau proposed in 1990 to use "HyperText ... to link and access information of various kinds as a web of nodes in which the user can browse at will",[2] and publicly introduced the project in December.[3]
"The World-Wide Web was developed to be a pool of human knowledge, and human culture, which would allow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas and all aspects of a common project."[4]" (Wikipedia) .. You need the World Wide Web to do anything on the internet!!

source from:

post on web 2

I believe the internet is a very useful tool. It is used for "wasting" free time and looking up information. many people use the web as a form of communication. I am using the web right now to post a blog for my college classes. there are so many different websites that I believe many people do not know about.

post on web 1

"Web" .. what is the web? I believe it is the INTERNET!! the world wide web is a very big idea that stretches the world! I wonder what the world would be if we did not have the internet! totally CRAZY

post on video 4

this is my last post about videos. The more i think about videos the more i think about the old fashioned video's we had as children. video's and VCR's are totally obsolete now due to the internet and DVD players. You do not need a VCR to watch videos anymore, especially older videos. You can go on or other internet sites to watch old movies from when we were children. video tapes are like foreign objects to most of the world. Its crazy that we once used them and now theyre obsolete!!

post on video 3

For class, we had to make our own video and post it to youtube. I was very uncomfortable to be honest when it came to doing this. First it was hard because i did not know what to talk about so I ended up discussing my life and hopefully future career in general. I wanted to discuss one specific topic but it was so hard to do so. I was also a little weary about posting it to youtube. I was very pleased when I realized there was a privacy type of button on there. What that means is only the people I give the URL to can view my video. I would feel very uncomfortable if random people all over the world could view my video!!

post on video 2

the biggest video outlet is youtube. just about everyone has a youtube account these days. whether you are watching videos or posting videos, it is a great outlet for communication and knowledge. my brother is almost 12 years old and has his own youtube channel. i believe he is to young for something like this, but he posts videos about magic tricks, or game glitches so it is very age appropriate and PG. He loves videos about hockey and watches them frequently.

post on video 1

on the internet, you can see a video for everything you want to. there are video's that teach you how to do things called tutorials or just videos people have recorded. I watch mostly tutorial videos if i need to learn how to complete a task.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

post 2 on podcast

i came across a website called .. it is the "ultimate podcast collection" it has a whole bunch of channels and episodes you can listen to, its actually kind of cool. I am not sure how i am going to try and make my own podcast. Im a little nervous to have to create something like this and have actual people listen to it, its a little nerve wracking. but i guess ill cross that bridge when i come to it!

post 1 on podcast

"A podcast (or non-streamed webcast) is a series of digital media files (either audio or video) that are released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication. The word replaced webcast in common vernacular due to the fame of the iPod and its role in the rising popularity and innovation of web feeds" (wikipedia). I had no idea what a pod cast was before this class. I did have to look up this information to be able to understand what it actually was.

post 2 on twitter

the shortened phrases on twitter sometimes confuse me. i understand the "lol" and "smh" but some of the other stuff i have no idea!! how do people use these short phrases so easily and quickly on a daily basis! i just dont understand all of this twitter stuff hahah!

post 1 on twitter

before this class, i tried to have a twitter page. my sister and best friend both have them and use them frequently. after i tried to use it for a few days, i decided to delete it. I did not understand how to make it work or what it was supposed to do. to be honest, i still dont understand how to use it! i am supposed to post and talk to people of it and i have no idea how!! i do not understand the "@ user name" to comment to someone but it stays on your page instead of the other persons? I really do not understand how to use it!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Post 4 on social networking

I can not believe and or get over the fact that celebrities are using social networking websites such as twitter save their careers. The moat popular today would be Charlie Sheen. It is crazy that a person can loose their job on a television sitcom and still make money through people "worshiping" you .. It truly baffles my mind. That is a prime example of social networking being used the wrong way.

post 3 on social networking

This week in class we are continuing to discuss social networking. The list serve is currently discussing social networking sites being allowed in a work setting. I agree and disagree. If the company is not on a site such as Facebook, then the companies employees should not be allowed to visit that website. But on the other hand, If you are allow your employees to be on social networking websites during work hours, why not put your company on the social website and promote yourselves. I believe it is a win loose situation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

post on social networking 2

i believe social networks such as facebook should have an age limint. when i joined facebook you needed a college email. now my 11 year old brother has a facebook. i do not think he should have one. my mother does check it when he is on, but what happens when he is on facebook when my parents arent home? there should be an age limit of atleast 16!

post on social networking 1

when this subject came up on the syllabus i was curious to see what everyone was going to say about it. social networking is always a hot topic that is widely debated. i think it has its ups and its downs. if you are to young its a down, if you are connecting with old friends its an up. its different among every person.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Post 2 on wikipedia

I use wikipedia as a jumping off point for some of my research for certain classes. Although not every wikipedia page is valid, it does present some good information. I do not see any problem with sing websites like wikipedia to get ideas about a paper or project topic.

Post 1 on wikipedia

When I was in highschool, wikipedia was an accepted form of information for scholarly sources. Today, sources are left blank, and people can change anything that they please. I found out today through my email group with class that there is a wikipedia site about rihanna's forehead. Thats so strange.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

post 2 on blogs

I feel that some things should be discussed on blogs, while others should not. There are informational blogs and non informational blogs. I only use my blog to post about school related issues. I do like this particular blogging website because you can customize your blog in whatever way you choose to. Maybe in the future I will start blogging for personal reasons.

post 1 on blogs

With the exception of this blog, I do not blog at all.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

post 2 on slide shows

when i am creating a slide show, i believe the best program to use is Microsoft Power point. I am very good with the in's and out's of that program, so i may be bias. I really like that you can make each slide show your own with different color pages, fonts, etc. you can also have your pages turn automatically on a timer or with special noises. slide shows created in power point are very professional, and very interesting to look at.

post 1 on slide shows

this week for class, we are talking about slide shows. i enjoy slide shows and believe that they should be used as much as possible. they make papers, proposals, anything you are trying to do much more interesting. If i could use slide shows for each class that i am in, i absolutely would.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

post 2 about im/chats

today chats are a very popular tool that everyone uses. the chat that i use all of the time is facebook chat. it is very convenient and easy to use. your buddy list is always at the bottom of the screen and you just search the list of people until you find who you are looking for. Yahoo has chats as well. i have never looked at it before this class but i would like to explore the options and groups they have more.

post 1 about im/chats

I remember when i used to use aol instant messenger religiously. i would talk to all of my friends during the day at school and then run home after school let out just to talk to them again over the computer. i always had font that you could barely read because the colors were so bright. i also used to talk in a "slang." i would shorten words, and make things up as i went along all because back then i thought i was cool, but hey everyone was doing it i guess. as we got older, aol instant messenger was able to be downloaded on your phone and you could chat with friends at any time of the day. this was especially convenient for me because i had a pre paid cell phone at the time and text messages were just not an option. its weird to think that i was so dependent on talking to all of my friends through instant messenger. i have not been on my aim in i couldnt tell you how long. the only time i go on it is if my mac accidentally loads iChat. I do not think any of my friends use their screen names either. but i do remember my first screen name was dancindevil52189 ahah how lame!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

post 2 on Listservs/YahooGroups/Usenet

i did not know that yahoo had groups. I have used yahoo in the past to keep in touch with friends and family that live far away from me, but that is all. After i looked at all of the groups, there are so many! there is a group out there for anyone that would like to join! it took me a while to find them all, but that may have been because i was so distracted by everything else you can participate in on the Yahoo! website!

post 1 on Listservs/Yahoo Groups/Usenet

for class this week we had to read and discuss about Listservs/Yahoo Groups/Usenet. Before this class, I did not know what a usenet was. for anyone else that doesnt know, a usenet is a threaded discussion system that today connects millions of users from around the Internet into newsgroups such as The original system was built in the late 1970s and ran on one of the wide-area computer networks later subsumed into the Internet. after looking up what it was and finding more information, my mind automatically thought of the thread on a facebook message. My classmates, friends, and I always use threads on Facebook. whether it is to keep in touch, or set up an appointment to meet each other for a project, the idea of usenet is still being used today. I do wonder if usenet and listervs are very much similar. The emails from my class come into the mailbox on my iPhone in a thread fashion. They break up into topics so it is easier to read.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

post 2 about email

email vs facebook .. i dont know really where to being. I use emails for all of my school and professional work and facebook for everything else. I believe thats the way it should be. Facebook is personal and should not have anything to do with my professional life. When i go to apply for a real, teaching job in a few months, i will be deleting my facebook. I do not want future employers to see pictures or wall posts and decided right from there that because of my social/personal life, i am not fit for the job. I am going to be a great kindergarten teacher and do not want my facebook to doubt my abilities.

post 1 about email

So through out the week, my online class and I have been discussing email. i still use emails and believe they are vital to any professional and school setting. I use email every day to communicate with everyone. Emails are sent to my iPhone on a regular basis and it is very easy for me to respond. Email are an easy way to keep in communication with any one needed.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

2nd post

I just finished writing my first paper for my internet writing class. It is the second online class I have taken in my college career. Im not 100% sure if I am really used to not physically being in class and paying attention to a professor. Hopefully the semester goes good! This is my last semester as an undergraduate and I am very excited. I graduate and walk on my birthday, May 21st ! someone get me to may!!!

1st post

This is my first Blog post in a very long time. I have to use this blog for class so that is why i am here