Perfection; My Passion

Perfection; My Passion

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Oroonoko = Major confusion!

After reading “Oroonoko,” I was left with a lot of questions. Was the story true? How did Behn know all of this? My mind was racing with all the possibilities. Behn comes right out and says in the opening pages of the piece that she has witnessed everything that she is writing about first hand. I found it very hard to believe that Behn was actually around to experience all of the horrible tragedies that Oroonoko went through. Behn jumped from point to point really quickly. She says a point, expands a little on the topic, and then moves on to the next event. That is where most of my questions came from. Why do authors do this? If I was an author I would not want to make my reader confused. After listening to the input and discussions in class about “Oroonoko” I began to understand what was really going on and that I was not the only confused reader in the bunch.

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