Perfection; My Passion

Perfection; My Passion

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

post on web 4

this is my final post of my UNDERGRADUATE CAREER!!! I am beyond excited to finally be done with college and have a bachelor degree!!! Salem State University is starting to put everything on the web. You register for classes, take classes, and communicate with teachers through the web. Salem state is one of the many colleges/universities to begin to "go green" and solely provide on the web to run their institution. I believe it is beneficial with the exception of reading in the web. It is very hard for me to read off of a computer for a very long time!! Online classes are also very hard for me to complete most of the time. The whole world wide web is fascinating to me!!

post on web 3

I always wondered why the internet is called the "World Wide Web." when i looked into it more, i came across this information. "The World Wide Web, abbreviated as WWW or W3 and commonly known as the Web, is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks. Using concepts from earlier hypertext systems, English engineer and computer scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee, now the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, wrote a proposal in March 1989 for what would eventually become the World Wide Web.[1] At CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, Berners-Lee and Belgian computer scientist Robert Cailliau proposed in 1990 to use "HyperText ... to link and access information of various kinds as a web of nodes in which the user can browse at will",[2] and publicly introduced the project in December.[3]
"The World-Wide Web was developed to be a pool of human knowledge, and human culture, which would allow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas and all aspects of a common project."[4]" (Wikipedia) .. You need the World Wide Web to do anything on the internet!!

source from:

post on web 2

I believe the internet is a very useful tool. It is used for "wasting" free time and looking up information. many people use the web as a form of communication. I am using the web right now to post a blog for my college classes. there are so many different websites that I believe many people do not know about.

post on web 1

"Web" .. what is the web? I believe it is the INTERNET!! the world wide web is a very big idea that stretches the world! I wonder what the world would be if we did not have the internet! totally CRAZY

post on video 4

this is my last post about videos. The more i think about videos the more i think about the old fashioned video's we had as children. video's and VCR's are totally obsolete now due to the internet and DVD players. You do not need a VCR to watch videos anymore, especially older videos. You can go on or other internet sites to watch old movies from when we were children. video tapes are like foreign objects to most of the world. Its crazy that we once used them and now theyre obsolete!!

post on video 3

For class, we had to make our own video and post it to youtube. I was very uncomfortable to be honest when it came to doing this. First it was hard because i did not know what to talk about so I ended up discussing my life and hopefully future career in general. I wanted to discuss one specific topic but it was so hard to do so. I was also a little weary about posting it to youtube. I was very pleased when I realized there was a privacy type of button on there. What that means is only the people I give the URL to can view my video. I would feel very uncomfortable if random people all over the world could view my video!!

post on video 2

the biggest video outlet is youtube. just about everyone has a youtube account these days. whether you are watching videos or posting videos, it is a great outlet for communication and knowledge. my brother is almost 12 years old and has his own youtube channel. i believe he is to young for something like this, but he posts videos about magic tricks, or game glitches so it is very age appropriate and PG. He loves videos about hockey and watches them frequently.

post on video 1

on the internet, you can see a video for everything you want to. there are video's that teach you how to do things called tutorials or just videos people have recorded. I watch mostly tutorial videos if i need to learn how to complete a task.