Perfection; My Passion

Perfection; My Passion

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Post 4 on social networking

I can not believe and or get over the fact that celebrities are using social networking websites such as twitter save their careers. The moat popular today would be Charlie Sheen. It is crazy that a person can loose their job on a television sitcom and still make money through people "worshiping" you .. It truly baffles my mind. That is a prime example of social networking being used the wrong way.

post 3 on social networking

This week in class we are continuing to discuss social networking. The list serve is currently discussing social networking sites being allowed in a work setting. I agree and disagree. If the company is not on a site such as Facebook, then the companies employees should not be allowed to visit that website. But on the other hand, If you are allow your employees to be on social networking websites during work hours, why not put your company on the social website and promote yourselves. I believe it is a win loose situation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

post on social networking 2

i believe social networks such as facebook should have an age limint. when i joined facebook you needed a college email. now my 11 year old brother has a facebook. i do not think he should have one. my mother does check it when he is on, but what happens when he is on facebook when my parents arent home? there should be an age limit of atleast 16!

post on social networking 1

when this subject came up on the syllabus i was curious to see what everyone was going to say about it. social networking is always a hot topic that is widely debated. i think it has its ups and its downs. if you are to young its a down, if you are connecting with old friends its an up. its different among every person.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Post 2 on wikipedia

I use wikipedia as a jumping off point for some of my research for certain classes. Although not every wikipedia page is valid, it does present some good information. I do not see any problem with sing websites like wikipedia to get ideas about a paper or project topic.

Post 1 on wikipedia

When I was in highschool, wikipedia was an accepted form of information for scholarly sources. Today, sources are left blank, and people can change anything that they please. I found out today through my email group with class that there is a wikipedia site about rihanna's forehead. Thats so strange.